Radiology Residency


The radiology residency program is a 4 year program in the GPHC health system where learners are exposed to a wide range of modalities and patient population. The hybrid delivery method is utilized for both didactics and one-on-one readouts with online sessions and readouts by local staff and RAD-AID volunteers from the USA. 


Applicants must 

  1. Be fully registed medical practitioners (Medical Practioners Act of Guyana)
  2. Have at least one year post internship experience.
  3. Doctors on Public Service Ministry Contract must have "release" from the ministry.


How to apply

Application forms and information on application dates can be obtained from the Institue of Health Science Education (IHSE) in the Gergetown Public Hospital Corporation compound , Lamaha street entrance.


For more informations contact Dr Angelita Sue, Director of Radiology Residency, email